Oh. My. God. Honey, look at that pup!
It happened! You found THE dog for you. He/she is just the cutest thing you've ever seen!
Now what?
Before you apply, think about whether you (and your family) are ready for a dog. Owning a dog takes considerable time and money.
Do I have the time and patience for a dog and allow the dog to properly adjust to a new home?
Do I have time to commit to obedience training if necessary?
Do I have the money to properly care for a dog?
Emergency vet care?
Good, quality food?
Routine care?
Professional training if needed?
Do I have a back-up, emergency, plan if something were to happen with my current living situation that would allow me to continue to care for my new dog?
Our adoption process is thorough and takes time because we pour our resources, time, energy and love for the dog's future. We thank you for your time and patience throughout our adoption process.
The steps are as follows:
Fill out and submit an adoption application (must fill in all blanks to be submitted)
Vet and Personal Reference Checks
Phone Interview
"Meet and greet" between applicant and available dogs
Home Visit
Adoption is Finalized
Three week and three month follow-up visit or phone call
Lifetime invites to MisPits and Friends Rescue events.
If any part of an application is found to be falsified; the application will be IMMEDIATELY denied.
WE DO NOT allow close in age adoptions or sibling adoptions. One year or more apart is preferred.
WE DO NOT adopt dogs out for plans to be an emotional support animal.
WE WILL NOT break written pet policies from landlords or rental properties.
WE DO NOT process adoption applications for "secondary adopters", for example adopting a dog to be given to someone other than the applicant, as a gift.
The name of your current or prior veterinary clinic and their contact information.
The name, address, & phone number for 3 (non-family) references.
All current dogs and cats living in the house must be spayed or neutered prior to applying.
All dogs must be up to date on parvo, distemper and rabies vaccinations unless due to medical reasons verified by a licensed vet.
Current dogs must be on heartworm prevention AND yearly testing.
MisPits and Friends Rescue reserves the right to deny the adoption of any animal to anyone for any reason.
The dog’s well-being and happiness are our top priority and we will choose the person/family/unit that best suits the dogs.
Processing times may be longer if we get a lot of applications for the same dog. We will process the applications in the order they are received.
Approval for one dog does not guarantee approval for other dogs.
Applications for specific dogs will be process before applications that do not specify a particular dog.
ALL communication during the application process will be via email.
Once an adopter has been found for a dog, we will not process other applications for that dog due to time constraints. We will do our best to let you know if the dog you have applied for has been adopted. At that point you may choose to apply for a different dog.
Due to limited time, we may hold an application until a dog has been specified.
If we receive multiple applications on an animal, MisPits and Friends will work diligently to to make the match that is best for both the animal and the adopting family.
The Meet & Greet is the next step in the adoption process once the application has been approved. It is a wonderful way to meet the dogs, learn about them from their fosters and ask any questions you might have.
We will only schedule Meet & Greets for approved adopters.
A Meet & Greet does not guarantee adoption approval.
The Meet & Greet and the home visit can be scheduled at the same time if desired.
The home visit is conducted as a safety check.
The home visit can be scheduled at the same time as the Meet & Greet, if desired.
A fence is not a requirement for ALL our dogs, but some will require a fenced yard.
The adoption fee for all our rescued dogs is $225. The adoption fee covers up-to-date vaccinations (according to age), spay/neuter, and microchip.
The adoption fee covers only a portion of the expenses, such as medical bills and supplies for proper care, of fostering a rescued dog. Additional costs are covered by donations from the community, our board and volunteers. We do not make a profit from the adoption fee.
MisPits and Friends Rescue is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization. We are run completely by volunteers and donations. We pour our hearts, time and money into this rescue to save as many lives as we can.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do so through PayPal at paypal.me/mispitsandfriends.